Sandy Dolan Maine Painting and Photography: May 2015

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Acadia's Duck Stream Bridge sold

                    Duck Stream Bridge Acadia  6x8 oil on canvas panel

 I have been to this location many times and painted other views here. This is the first time I included this bridge. It was a sunny early spring day. I was able to stand on the rocks bordering the stream. There were a lot of small birds flitting about in the nearby branches while I painted. In between brush work I was grabbing my binoculars to see the birds up close. One bird seemed to hang around for some time, a Myrtle Warbler. I had never seen this type before. Warblers are some of my favorite migrating birds to look for. There are quite a variety of warblers and I am happy when I get to see a new one. There were also a few Gold Finches with their striking yellow and black coloring.   The summer is shaping up to be a busy one. I will be going on several painting trips and doing my outdoor shows in between.  My first trip will be in about one week. Monhegan Island. Looking forward to this. 
This week I made my first delivery of paintings to my new gallery,
North Light Gallery in Millinocket. While I was there I had the good luck to go out and paint without the black flies attacking me. I had two beautiful days to roam and paint. I hope to post some soon.   Sandy

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Poling on the East Branch of the Penobscot River, Maine

                        Poling on the River  12x12 oil on canvas panel
                Available at North Light Gallery

   Don't stand up in the boat!  That is what we are always told right? That is why the first time I saw someone poling in a canoe I was in total awe. It seemed so graceful and impossible.
  I used to work as a photographer for the Belfast Republican Journal in the 80's and 90's. It was a fun job in many ways but mostly because I had the chance to meet many different kinds of people and see what they were up to. I wrote a story about poling and some Maine Guides who used this technique of travel on a regular basis. I thought it was very cool. They let me try it. Here is a photo of my 5 minutes of poling fame.
Sandy doing what she thought to be impossible.
When I was up painting in the Katahdin area last year  I saw this man, shown in the top painting, come around a  bend in the river where I was working. It still amazes me to see someone poling. I had to paint it! Have you ever had a poling adventure? Share it in the comments!